Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My intent...

Over the years, I have been lured in by the exermercial time and time again.  I own "The Firm", "Tae Bo", "Windsor Pilates", "Yoga Step by Step", "Power90", and a few others that I will be getting out and working with.  I can name them later.  I also impulse buy exercise videos at Wal-Mart if they are 10 bucks or less, so I have a veritable cornucopia of exercise choices from that venue also.

In the early hours of this morning, as I was being lured in once again by an exermercial (exercise infomercial), I stayed my hand and decided on an audacious plan... actually use the crap I already have!!!!  I have decided to do something with all of these DVD's that I have collected over the years. 

My plan is this:  2 times a day, I will randomly choose an exercise DVD from the shelf and do it.  Then, I will report on it.  I think that by keeping this journal in a somewhat open forum like blogging, I will increase my chances of actually completed this stated goal of working out.

I am inspired to begin this journey at this point in time by the fact that I am committed to joining some friends for the Walt Disney World Half Marathon on January 8th, 2011 (143 days from now).  I need to be at a place where I can do those 13.1 miles comfortably, and I am nowhere near that right now.  I am morbidly obese by definition, but I am grateful to be a fairly high energy obese woman. 

I also want to be the kind of woman that I would like my daughters to be, and that means being good to myself.  After some introspection, I have decided that "being good" to myself should no longer include indulging my food whims.  "Being good" to me is going to mean taking care of me, and keeping me healthy.  My weight issue is not the kind of thing that I would like to pass on to my children.  They deserve better from me, and I deserve better from me too...